webpack as part of the workflow in Questback R&D Nordic
By Arne Hassel, November 2015
How it was
- Separate systems for including JS-files
- A lot of things to remember when creating new applications
- No good way of using features in ES2015
- Not possible to utilize TypeScript easily
- Need to specify where lib-files reside
How it should be
- Only changes in configuration should separate how different versions include their JS-files
- Easy to include new files and features
- Easy to test
Why webpack
- Pros
- Easy to set up and extend
- Beloved by community
- Has plugins for functionality we need now or are going to need (Optimization for distribution, ES2015, TypeScript)
- Cons
- Documentation is not top-notch (but mostly good enough)
- A five-man endeavor, no support by any big corporations
- Worst case scenario
- Need to migrate to another tool; should not be too difficult (depends on why we need to migrate)
Thank you for your attention